Make the dream a Target, otherwise it remains a dream

Targets are very important in insurance marketing, and meeting them is what drives your growth. So always make targets that are achievable, then achieve them step by step, review frequently, A sales executive tells a success story, you should listen too.” One of the townhalls in Unilever days, the India CEO gave an exorbitant growth target of INR 500 billion by 2015 in the year 2010. We were INR 175 billion, and he was basically asking us to almost triple. But when he explained that to double our business in 5 years we need to grow by 14% and that has been our past many years performance.

To triple we needed only 24% growth, combined with price increase etc, the volume growth required was only 15%. Point being, dreaming big and breaking it down to every ground member of the team in showing it is achievable makes the dream a target…otherwise it remains a dream. We all know that ‘goal setting’ is very important, but remember that setting your goal is only one of the steps on the journey in order to achieve it…When you complete your goal it is important to reward yourself for this achievement. Look back over your accomplishments and enjoy the satisfaction that success brings. This will train the subconscious mind to focus on activities that produce successful results.

Once you have enjoyed your reward, set your next goal, making it bigger and more challenging than the last.

Write down your goal. Get your goal out of your imagination and on to a piece of paper. …

Set a deadline. Set a target date by which you will complete your goal. …

Work on your mindset. …

Develop your skillset. …

Take the first step. …

Continue to completion. …

Reward yourself.

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