May 10, 2024


Fire is indeed very beneficial and essential to life, but it can also be fatal and disastrous if not controlled properly. There is a misconception that fire occurs only in factories

Data in health insurance: An underutilised wealth

Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine,”  said Gartner executive vice president Peter Sondergaard.

Financial inclusion and micro Takaful

Microinsurance can play an important role in poverty alleviation by reducing the risks and vulnerability that the poor face. However, the provision of inclusive finance faces supply and demand constraints in Muslim societies. On the supply side, as providing services to the poor is costly and risky, a key issue in providing inclusive finance is the trade-off between outreach and vulnerability. Other than asymmetric information problems, the cost of providing microfinance service

The ‘if’ nature of insurance

Several years ago, a colleague said that ‘no one wakes up in the morning to buy insurance’ in an attempt to explain the reasons for an ever-anaemic demand for insurance products. Over the years,

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